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Hey There!

Welcome to ArchQuiz Canada! This site is dedicated to helping you prepare for the Examination for Architects in Canada. As a fellow reviewer, I know how challenging it can be to study for this exam, which is why I created this site to support you.

Our quizzes cover key areas of the ExAC Exam from CHOP, National Building Code of Canada 2015, Internship in Architecture Program and other references. Each quiz is designed to help you learn and improve your understanding of the material.

We also offer a blog featuring articles on the latest trends in Canadian architecture, and tips for your review for the exam,  We’re still putting the finishing touches on the site, so stay tuned for the official launch.

If you sign up for updates and sneak peeks of what’s to come, we’ll keep you informed without overwhelming your inbox.

Thanks for visiting ArchQuiz Canada, and we’re excited to support you on your journey to becoming a certified Architect!

Contact Us:


ArchQuiz Canada Team.