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Volume 2.1

Top Score Leaderboard
1al90 %26
2alain77 %23
3Cass76.5 %23
4m73 %22
5m73 %22
6cass71.83 %21.33
7x70 %21
8J67.47 %20.2
9sasa67 %20
10mike66.63 %19.88

2.1.1 Organization of an Architectural Practice

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1 / 30

What is a sole proprietorship in the context of architectural practice?

2 / 30

Why is it important for an architect to establish a relationship with a lawyer?

3 / 30

Can a company in Québec practice architecture?

4 / 30

What is a strategic plan?

5 / 30

Which type of architectural practice is organized to deliver experience and reliability on complex assignments?

6 / 30

What are multi-disciplinary firms in the context of architectural practice?

7 / 30

What are some reasons why architects may set up their own practices?

8 / 30

What are joint ventures in architectural practice usually formed for?

9 / 30

What is a partnership of corporations in the context of architectural practice?

10 / 30

Which type of insurance covers personal business partners and directors?

11 / 30

What is the purpose of a joint venture in the context of architectural practices?

12 / 30

What should architects seek before structuring a practice?

13 / 30

Which type of architectural practice is the most common in Canada?

14 / 30

What are some skills that are necessary for establishing and maintaining an architectural practice?

15 / 30

Which type of ownership of an architectural practice is a legal, collective entity authorized by statute to act as an individual business unit?

16 / 30

Which type of insurance is a specialized type provided by a limited number of insurance underwriters?

17 / 30

Which type of insurance covers extended medical care and dental plans?

18 / 30

What is the role of a comptroller in a larger architectural practice?

19 / 30

What is the responsibility of a project manager in an architectural practice?

20 / 30

What are the first key steps in launching an architectural practice?

21 / 30

Can architects in Québec practice in any type of arrangement with non-architects?

22 / 30

Which of the following is a reason for architects to incorporate their practice in Québec?

23 / 30

What factors affect the type of ownership of an architectural practice?

24 / 30

Which type of insurance covers theft and vandalism of office premises and automobiles?

25 / 30

What is the role of a project architect in a design team?

26 / 30

What are some reasons why establishing an architectural practice has serious implications for one’s personal, professional, and business life?

27 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a reason why architects decide to set up their own practices?

28 / 30

What type of architectural practice provides highly efficient service on routine assignments?

29 / 30

Which of the following professional services is NOT required to support an architectural practice?

30 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a model for the internal structure of an architectural practice?

Your score is

The average score is 66%


2.1.2 Succession Planning

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1 / 30

Which of the following is a common concern regarding staff education programs?

2 / 30

What is one of the key components of a comprehensive succession plan?

3 / 30

What does succession planning enable architects who own a firm to do?

4 / 30

When reviewing agreements, sellers should seek professional advice in which areas?

5 / 30

Which of the following is a succession planning option for a firm with retiring principals?

6 / 30

Why is contingency planning important in the succession planning process?

7 / 30

What is goodwill in the context of a practice?

8 / 30

What is the first step in developing a succession plan according to the text?

9 / 30

Why is succession planning particularly important for sole proprietorships and small architectural firms?

10 / 30

What is one potential advantage of reapportioning ownership in a practice?

11 / 30

Who is generally liable for past work in a practice?

12 / 30

According to management expert Peter Drucker, what is the best way to predict the future?

13 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a potential reason for the dissolution of a practice upon the retirement of the principal architect?

14 / 30

What is a significant advantage for a practice during the succession period?

15 / 30

What can assist second-generation owners to buy-in and pay-out the first-generation founders?

16 / 30

What is one advantage of selling a practice to an architect or architects outside the practice?

17 / 30

What is one potential reason for the failure of a merger between two firms?

18 / 30

What is one measure that future leadership must take to maintain staff commitment and motivate people to achieve success?

19 / 30

According to the text, why might a retiring principal be able to obtain a higher price through internal buyers?

20 / 30

What should be verified regarding individual protection against potential long-term liability exposure after succession?

21 / 30

What is the recommended timeframe for implementing a comprehensive succession plan?

22 / 30

What is one purpose of the selection and transition phase in the succession planning process?

23 / 30

How is goodwill calculated?

24 / 30

What is one potential reason for the unsuccessful outcome of a merger between two firms?

25 / 30

What are some methods to estimate the value of a practice?

26 / 30

What is one potential disadvantage of merging a practice with another architect or firm?

27 / 30

What is one potential consequence of a merger diverting resources away from architectural practice?

28 / 30

What is one advantage of inviting new architects or others to become part of an existing practice as partners or shareholders?

29 / 30

What is the purpose of the strategic planning phase in the succession planning process?

30 / 30

According to the text, why is succession planning important for architectural firms?

Your score is

The average score is 51%


2.1.3 Public Relations and Marketing

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1 / 30

What does the text say about public relations in the context of architectural practice?

2 / 30

What is the role of an architect as a professional advisor in endorsed architectural competitions?

3 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a method for generating client commitment after the contract has been executed?

4 / 30

True or false: Open and limited competitions for buildings require endorsement as most provincial associations of architects prevent their members from participating in competitions that have not been approved by their Councils.

5 / 30

Which of the following activities is NOT considered a part of marketing in an architectural practice?

6 / 30

When preparing promotional brochures or proposals, what should the architect always do?

7 / 30

According to the text, what is the role of public relations in the architectural practice?

8 / 30

True or false: The International Union of Architects (UIA) has prepared guidelines for conducting international architectural competitions in its publication, Instructions and recommendations to promoters of international competitions in architecture and town planning.

9 / 30

What is the main focus of marketing in architectural practice, according to the text?

10 / 30

What is the difference between marketing and selling in an architectural context?

11 / 30

Which of the following best describes the difference between public relations and marketing in the context of architectural practice?

12 / 30

What is the purpose of promotion in the context of architecture?

13 / 30

What should architects strive to do in relation to public awareness about the value of architectural services?

14 / 30

What is the correlation between a firm's profit and growth and the amount spent on marketing?

15 / 30

True or false: Each architectural practice must evaluate the effort and return on investment before participating in an architectural competition.

16 / 30

What should the practice do after an initial contact with a lead?

17 / 30

What is MERX?

18 / 30

What action should be taken to develop and maintain a professional relationship with the client after the completion of the project?

19 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a technique for building market awareness in architecture?

20 / 30

What should each architectural practice evaluate before participating in an architectural competition?

21 / 30

According to the text, why is it important for architectural practices to develop a public relations and marketing strategy?

22 / 30

True or false: Architectural competitions can be a high risk activity for any architectural practice.

23 / 30

What is the objective of reinforcing interest in architecture?

24 / 30

What is critical at the stage of generating client commitment in architecture?

25 / 30

Which of the following is NOT considered a role that architects may be asked to fulfill?

26 / 30

According to the text, what are some factors that the strategic plan should help identify?

27 / 30

True or false: Architectural competitions for buildings must be endorsed or approved by the Council of the provincial or territorial Association of Architects and/or the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada.

28 / 30

What is one function of marketing according to the text?

29 / 30

What does an effective marketing strategy in an architectural practice involve?

30 / 30

What are some techniques for identifying potential clients or 'leads'?

Your score is

The average score is 62%


2.1.4 Financial Management

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1 / 30

True or false: The purpose of building a successful financial history in a practice is to attract potential clients and investors.

2 / 30

Which financial system records all income and expenses as they occur in the general ledger?

3 / 30

True or false: The prime rate is the interest rate at which banks lend to their most creditworthy customers.

4 / 30

What is the purpose of proper tax planning in relation to profit withdrawal from the practice?

5 / 30

What is the purpose of building a successful financial history in a practice?

6 / 30

What should an architect establish when engaging an accountant?

7 / 30

What does the multiplier in the billing rate formula represent?

8 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a reason why a profit is required in a practice?

9 / 30

When the practice is owned by shareholders or partners who have invested capital, how should their investment earn interest?

10 / 30

How can the number of billable hours in a year be determined?

11 / 30

What is the purpose of short-term financial planning, usually called budgeting?

12 / 30

What are some factors that should be considered in determining the distribution of bonuses to staff?

13 / 30

What does a statement of income and expenses provide?

14 / 30

What does a balance sheet indicate?

15 / 30

Which type of accounting is done within the architectural practice, often by staff or a bookkeeper?

16 / 30

According to the text, what is the prime rate?

17 / 30

True or false: The distribution of bonuses to staff should be solely based on their productivity.

18 / 30

What should the financial plan of an architectural practice include?

19 / 30

What is an audit in the context of accounting?

20 / 30

According to the text, how should the distribution of bonuses to staff be determined?

21 / 30

In 'lean' years, what may happen to the capital reserve?

22 / 30

According to the text, what are some factors that should be considered in a performance review?

23 / 30

True or false: The investment of shareholders or partners in the practice should earn interest at the bank's prime rate of interest.

24 / 30

Which of the following factors may lead to inadequate profit margins for an architectural practice?

25 / 30

According to the text, what should the architect do when determining fees for services?

26 / 30

According to the text, what is the purpose of setting aside a percentage of the profit as a capital reserve?

27 / 30

True or false: Financial planning in an architectural practice should include short-term budgeting only.

28 / 30

According to the text, what information should the architect provide to the bank when borrowing funds?

29 / 30

According to the text, when is the best time to negotiate for a line of credit with a bank?

30 / 30

What is the utilization factor?

Your score is

The average score is 58%


2.1.5 Office Administration

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1 / 30

Why is good management important for an architectural practice?

2 / 30

What is the purpose of thorough documentation in project activities and communications?

3 / 30

What can lead to significant improvement in performance when using computer software in an architectural practice?

4 / 30

Why is careful management of the inventory of computer software and hardware an ongoing necessity of office administration?

5 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a concern for security in an architectural practice?

6 / 30

What is the minimum time period that project records should be retained for pursuing a claim for professional negligence in Canada?

7 / 30

True or false: Careful management of the inventory of computer software and hardware is not an ongoing necessity of office administration.

8 / 30

When are software upgrades typically needed in computer technology?

9 / 30

What should be done to ensure the safety of electronic information in the event of a fire or other disaster?

10 / 30

True or false: It is important to determine the practice's needs for computer modelling before selecting the appropriate software.

11 / 30

What is the purpose of archiving electronic files in architecture projects?

12 / 30

What type of insurance protection should be included in addition to property coverage?

13 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a consideration when selecting computer hardware for BIM and CAD applications?

14 / 30

If the practice is a home-based business, what endorsement may be required on the home insurance policy?

15 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a reason for maintaining good records in architecture projects?

16 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a benefit of having an office manual in an architectural practice?

17 / 30

What is one common practice for protecting important documents and original software in an architectural office?

18 / 30

What is one advantage of an office manual in relation to hiring new staff?

19 / 30

What are the two types of filing systems required in an architectural practice?

20 / 30

What is the purpose of documenting office policies and procedures in writing?

21 / 30

What is the purpose of an architectural office maintaining a reference library?

22 / 30

What can an office manual help communicate to the staff of an architectural practice?

23 / 30

True or false: Back-up tapes should be stored on-site to ensure their safety in the event of a fire or other disaster.

24 / 30

What is one solution for addressing minor maintenance needs in an office?

25 / 30

Which one of the following is NOT an extension available with a commercial property insurance policy package?

26 / 30

What should an architect consider for storage of project records once the contractor's one-year guarantee/warranty has expired?

27 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a reason why the appearance of the office is important for an architectural practice?

28 / 30

True or false: Annual budget for computer training is not necessary for an architectural practice.

29 / 30

Which of the following is NOT automatically included in most commercial office insurance policies?

30 / 30

True or false: Hardware upgrades are not required on an ongoing basis for computer technology.

Your score is

The average score is 53%


2.1.6 Communications

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1 / 30

Which form is used to provide information about the project team members?

2 / 30

Which form of communication is NOT suitable for sending legal documents requiring original signatures?

3 / 30

Why should all documents in an architectural practice be dated and carry the name of the project?

4 / 30

What is the purpose of an architect's desk diary or personal digital assistant (PDA)?

5 / 30

What is the primary means of communication with the contractor during a construction project?

6 / 30

Which form is used to transmit documents or information to the project team?

7 / 30

True or false: Standard forms are not necessary for managing communications in an architectural practice.

8 / 30

What are some tips for effective speaking and presentations according to the text?

9 / 30

Why is good communication between principals essential in an architectural practice?

10 / 30

Which form is used to record the notes of a meeting or transaction?

11 / 30

True or false: Minutes are a brief summary of the proceedings of a meeting.

12 / 30

What is an effective way to resolve an issue?

13 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a tip for ensuring effective teleconference calls?

14 / 30

What is the importance of external communications in the architectural practice?

15 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a potential issue with transferring electronic files in the construction industry?

16 / 30

What is the goal of the design team when working with consultants?

17 / 30

What is the importance of maintaining accurate written records for architects?

18 / 30

True or false: Communication is the act of transmitting information and imparting news.

19 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a tip for building good communication skills among staff members in an architectural practice?

20 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a component of active listening?

21 / 30

True or false: Transmittal is used to recommend a course of action.

22 / 30

Which form is used to communicate important information or news?

23 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a key to building and maintaining a good relationship with a client?

24 / 30

Which of the following is a benefit of electronic communication for architects?

25 / 30

Which form is used to recommend a course of action?

26 / 30

Why is it important for architectural practices to develop policies and procedures for email communication?

27 / 30

What is one benefit of using video conferencing in the architecture profession?

28 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a traditional way of communicating for architects?

29 / 30

True or false: Memorandum, Minutes of Meeting, Transmittal, and Project Team Directory are the forms provided for General Communications.

30 / 30

What is the recommended approach for negotiations according to the text?

Your score is

The average score is 63%


2.1.7 Human Resources

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1 / 30

True or false: Performance reviews should be conducted by a supervisor who is familiar with the employee.

2 / 30

Which method of performance review measures the extent to which the employee conforms to a pre-determined goal or result?

3 / 30

True or false: Performance reviews should only be conducted once a year.

4 / 30

According to the text, what is a factor that motivates people to be productive?

5 / 30

Which of the following is a key factor in making performance reviews meaningful?

6 / 30

According to the text, what is the purpose of confirming verbal offers in writing?

7 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a tip for nurturing staff at various stages of their career development, according to the text?

8 / 30

According to the text, what is the purpose of establishing standard office policies and procedures for conduct?

9 / 30

What is one advantage of hiring temporary employees, according to the text?

10 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a possible option for meeting human resources needs, according to the text?

11 / 30

What is the main difference between independent contractors and permanent employees, according to the text?

12 / 30

Which of the following is NOT considered a benefit that some firms offer to their employees, according to the text?

13 / 30

What is the architect's duty regarding discrimination, according to the text?

14 / 30

What should constructive feedback be given during?

15 / 30

What behavior is considered harassment, according to the text?

16 / 30

According to the text, what costs should the principals of a practice consider when hiring new employees or retaining consultants?

17 / 30

Should formal performance reviews replace spontaneous praise or criticism?

18 / 30

True or false: Constructive feedback should only be given during formal performance reviews.

19 / 30

What is the purpose of employee appraisals, according to the text?

20 / 30

According to the text, what is the recommended approach for architects when working in stressful environments?

21 / 30

According to the text, what is one potential challenge of allowing employees to work from home?

22 / 30

According to the text, what should be considered when determining the extent of staffing a firm can support?

23 / 30

According to the text, what is the purpose of Workers Compensation or Workplace Safety Insurance Board?

24 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a good performance review method, according to the text?

25 / 30

What is the main reason for engaging permanent employees, according to the text?

26 / 30

How often should formal performance reviews be conducted?

27 / 30

True or false: Both the employee and the appraiser should prepare in advance for the performance review meeting.

28 / 30

True or false: Spontaneous praise or criticism is not essential to good human resources management.

29 / 30

Who should conduct performance reviews?

30 / 30

According to the text, what is the most valuable resource of an architectural practice?

Your score is

The average score is 67%


2.1.8 Quality Management

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1 / 30

What is the difference between verification and validation?

2 / 30

Why might implementing a quality management system be more challenging for larger architectural practices?

3 / 30

Which of the following best defines Quality Assurance?

4 / 30

According to the text, what is a recommended two-tier approach to quality management systems in architectural practice?

5 / 30

ISO 9000 quality systems provide a single set of standards applicable to all industries.

6 / 30

What is one of the challenges faced in implementing a quality management system in an architectural practice?

7 / 30

According to the text, what are the elements that help to define quality as it relates to architectural services?

8 / 30

Who commissions architectural services according to the text?

9 / 30

What are Management System Standards?

10 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a benefit claimed by the ISO 9000 quality systems?

11 / 30

What is the pre-design or analysis stage of a project used to determine in architectural practice?

12 / 30

Which one of the following statements best describes Quality Management?

13 / 30

ISO 9001: 2008 is the only standard in the ISO 9000 series that allows organizations to become certified.

14 / 30

Total Quality Management (TQM) is a management approach that focuses on long-term success through client satisfaction and benefits to all members of the organization and society.

15 / 30

Which one of the following is a key objective of a good quality management system in architectural practice?

16 / 30

What is the greatest potential benefit of widespread implementation of quality management systems in the architectural profession?

17 / 30

Verification is concerned with a 'process' while validation is concerned with a 'product'.

18 / 30

What are some examples of instruments of service provided by architects?

19 / 30

What is the definition of total quality management?

20 / 30

What is one potential benefit of implementing a quality management system in an architectural practice?

21 / 30

What is the main purpose of an audit conducted by a third-party certifier?

22 / 30

What is the product of an architectural practice?

23 / 30

What is the purpose of project planning in architectural practice?

24 / 30

What is the purpose of Total Quality Management (TQM)?

25 / 30

Which of the following functions must be in place to ensure the provision of quality architectural services?

26 / 30

Which of the following is the correct definition of a service?

27 / 30

Which of the following is true about ISO 9001: 2008?

28 / 30

Why is it important to distinguish between a product and a service?

29 / 30

ISO certification is a compulsory requirement of the ISO 9001: 2008 standard.

30 / 30

Which of the following is NOT a phase in the project where the quality management system should be applied?

Your score is

The average score is 62%


2.1.9 Risk Management and Professional Liability

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1 / 30

True or false: Using the same consultants on a continuing basis may save the architect time, money, aggravation, and billable time.

2 / 30

What is the primary objective of partnering?

3 / 30

What is required for an arbitrator to make a final and binding determination?

4 / 30

According to the text, what is the main function of a GO NO-GO checklist?

5 / 30

What is the purpose of excess insurance coverage for a specific project?

6 / 30

What is the purpose of obtaining a retainer at the execution of the contract?

7 / 30

What is a key aspect of risk management?

8 / 30

Why is it important for architects to establish a retrieval system for records?

9 / 30

True or false: The success of a project often depends on the ability of all team members to work well together, known as team chemistry.

10 / 30

What may be saved by using the same consultants on a continuing basis?

11 / 30

Which conflict management strategy seeks to avoid the costly and lengthy process of litigation?

12 / 30

Who is usually engaged to manage and coordinate the work of the main engineering sub-consultants?

13 / 30

True or false: Professional liability insurance provides protection from claims and is intended to cover liabilities, without any limitations or exclusions.

14 / 30

What should architects do if the documentation is not copied onto paper?

15 / 30

What should architects do if they believe that a claim might be made?

16 / 30

According to the text, what should architects do to reduce the risk of late payment or non-payment of invoices?

17 / 30

True or false: The architect is responsible for directly engaging the main engineering sub-consultants (structural, mechanical, and electrical engineers).

18 / 30

When should an architect consider obtaining professional liability insurance?

19 / 30

When should an architect consider obtaining professional liability insurance?

20 / 30

Which main engineering sub-consultants are mentioned in the text?

21 / 30

What role does a mediator play in dispute resolution?

22 / 30

True or false: The architect should consider obtaining professional liability insurance after the completion of a project.

23 / 30

What is the purpose of professional liability insurance?

24 / 30

According to the text, what action should be taken if a client does not make payment for services?

25 / 30

What is the purpose of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in the context of a dispute?

26 / 30

According to the text, professional liability insurance provides protection from claims and is intended to cover liabilities. What does a professional liability insurance policy typically have that may void coverage for certain activities?

27 / 30

What is the purpose of the checklist mentioned in the text?

28 / 30

What is the importance of team chemistry mentioned in the text?

29 / 30

According to the text, what should an architect do if legal action has been threatened for non-payment of an invoice?

30 / 30

According to the text, what should an architect do when considering whether to pursue a project opportunity?

Your score is

The average score is 70%


2.1.10 Architectural Services and Fees

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1 / 29

Architects should always use customized stand-alone agreements developed for the specific use of their own architectural practice.

2 / 29

What is the purpose of requests for proposals (RFPs) in engaging design professionals?

3 / 29

What is the definition of Fixed Fee or Lump Sum or Stipulated Price?

4 / 29

Which one of the following is NOT one of the five sequential phases of a project according to the text?

5 / 29

The Canadian standard forms of agreement between the client and the architect are not accepted nationally.

6 / 29

What should architects do to identify the required services for a project?

7 / 29

According to the text, which method of compensation requires calculating all costs and making a comparison with the two other methods of compensation?

8 / 29

What is the definition of Percentage Fee according?

9 / 29

What is the purpose of a fixed fee in architectural services?

10 / 29

What is the purpose of applying the fee to a known cost or approved estimate at the start of each project phase?

11 / 29

Which document is NOT one of the Canadian standard forms of agreement between client and architect?

12 / 29

The Construction Cost excludes the land cost and land development charges.

13 / 29

What are additional services according to the text?

14 / 29

Which costs are included in the Construction Cost of a building?

15 / 29

What type of agreement should architects use in British Columbia?

16 / 29

What is the definition of Construction Cost according to the text?

17 / 29

What is one method architects can use to determine fees based on market conditions?

18 / 29

What is the definition of Service?

19 / 29

What is the definition of Construction Cost according to the text?

20 / 29

According to the text, what type of agreement should architects in British Columbia use?

21 / 29

The Fee is the amount of compensation paid to the architect for the provision of specific services, including reimbursable expenses or disbursements.

22 / 29

What is the definition of Fee?

23 / 29

What should architects NOT use for their own architectural practice?

24 / 29

What is the recommended base percentage fee for buildings that are more complex or have a lower construction cost?

25 / 29

The Construction Cost includes the compensation of the Architect and the Consultants.

26 / 29

What is the definition of Per Diem?

27 / 29

What is the range of Maintenance & Energy costs for a building?

28 / 29

When should architects consider not responding to the RFP?

29 / 29

What should architects consider when proposing services to a client?

Your score is

The average score is 66%


2.1.10 Appendix - The Architect as Expert Witness

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1 / 30

What is the purpose of a fixed fee in architectural services?

2 / 30

What is the definition of Construction Cost according to the text?

3 / 30

What should an architect do if they are unsure about stating an opinion?

4 / 30

True or false: Test results should be held safely under an architect's control until appropriate clearance or permission for destruction is given.

5 / 30

According to the Canadian Handbook of Practice for Architects, what should an architect do if they are unsure about stating an opinion?

6 / 30

What should an architect do if they are unable to state a final opinion?

7 / 30

According to the Canadian Handbook of Practice for Architects, what should an architect do with test results?

8 / 30

What is one method architects can use to determine fees based on market conditions?

9 / 30

What should be done to identify evidence according to the Canadian Handbook of Practice for Architects?

10 / 30

According to the Canadian Handbook of Practice for Architects, what should an architect do if it is not possible to state an opinion due to insufficient information?

11 / 30

True or false: Test results should be held safely under an architect's control until appropriate clearance or permission for destruction is given.

12 / 30

According to the Canadian Handbook of Practice for Architects, what should an architect do if they are unsure about the preservation of evidence?

13 / 30

According to the Canadian Handbook of Practice for Architects, what should an architect do if it is not possible to state an opinion due to insufficient information?

14 / 30

According to the Canadian Handbook of Practice for Architects, what should an architect do with material that may become official evidence?

15 / 30

True or false: According to the Canadian Handbook of Practice for Architects, an architect should clearly state if no final opinion was reached and provide the reasons why.

16 / 30

According to the Canadian Handbook of Practice for Architects, what is important when it comes to preserving evidence that may become official evidence in a hearing or court procedure?

17 / 30

True or false: It is important for an architect to hold data and material that may become official evidence under their control until it is required to be produced.

18 / 30

According to the Canadian Handbook of Practice for Architects, what should an architect do with calculations that are not included in the report?

19 / 30

According to the Canadian Handbook of Practice for Architects, what should an architect do if they are unsure about the preservation of evidence?

20 / 30

According to the Canadian Handbook of Practice for Architects, what should an architect do if they are unable to state a final opinion?

21 / 30

True or false: It is important for an architect to hold data and material that may become official evidence under their control until it is required to be produced.

22 / 30

According to the Canadian Handbook of Practice for Architects, what should an architect do with material that may become official evidence?

23 / 30

According to the text, what type of agreement should architects in British Columbia use?

24 / 30

What should be done to identify evidence according to the Canadian Handbook of Practice for Architects?

25 / 30

True or false: Evidence that may become official evidence should be marked and/or tagged with information about where, when, and under which circumstances it was taken.

26 / 30

What should an architect do with test results according to the Canadian Handbook of Practice for Architects?

27 / 30

True or false: Calculations that are not included in the report should be retained until appropriate clearance or permission for destruction is given.

28 / 30

What should an architect do if they are unsure about the retention of evidence?

29 / 30

What is the purpose of requests for proposals (RFPs) in engaging design professionals?

30 / 30

True or false: Evidence that may become official evidence should be marked and/or tagged with information about where, when, and under which circumstances it was taken.

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