NBC 2015 - Section 3.1
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1 / 27
True or false: Combustible construction that abuts on or is supported by a noncombustible fire separation must be constructed so that its collapse under fire conditions will not cause the collapse of the fire separation?
2 / 27
Which one of the following is NOT permitted in a building conforming to Article or
3 / 27
True or false: Any wall, partition or floor assembly required to be a fire separation must be constructed as a continuous element?
4 / 27
According to the National Building Code of Canada 2015, where are the defined words found?
5 / 27
Which one of the following statements is true regarding combustible construction and noncombustible fire separations?
6 / 27
True or false: Except as permitted, a horizontal fire separation must be constructed as a continuous element?
7 / 27
According to the National Building Code of Canada 2015, how should wood girders and beams in heavy timber construction be connected at adjoining ends?
8 / 27
Which one of the following roofing materials is permitted on a building required to be of noncombustible construction?
9 / 27
According to the National Building Code of Canada 2015, which of the following is true about the classification of an arena-type building used for trade shows and similar exhibition purposes?
10 / 27
What is the maximum building height and area for a police station with detention quarters to be classified as a Group B, Division 2 major occupancy according to the National Building Code of Canada 2015?
11 / 27
What is the purpose of fire blocks in the roof space of a building required to be of noncombustible construction?
12 / 27
Which of the following materials is NOT permitted in noncombustible construction?
13 / 27
Which one of the following is true about buildings classified as Group F, Division 2 major occupancy?
14 / 27
According to the National Building Code of Canada 2015, what is the minimum fire-resistance rating of fire separation between a Group A-3 major occupancy and a Group F-2 major occupancy?
15 / 27
What is the purpose of fire blocks in conformance with Article of the National Building Code of Canada 2015?
16 / 27
According to the National Building Code of Canada 2015, what are the requirements for the classification of convalescent homes and children's custodial homes?
17 / 27
According to the National Building Code of Canada 2015, what is the classification of buildings or parts thereof used for the storage of baled combustible fibres?
18 / 27
Which one of the following is true about buildings permitted to be of combustible construction?
19 / 27
What percentage of the exterior cladding on each exterior wall of buildings conforming to certain articles should consist of noncombustible cladding?
20 / 27
Which of the following roofing materials is permitted on a building required to be of noncombustible construction?
21 / 27
Combustible roof sheathing and roof sheathing supports are not permitted on a building required to be of noncombustible construction.
22 / 27
According to the National Building Code of Canada 2015, what should be done with buildings intended for use by more than one major occupancy?
23 / 27
According to the National Building Code of Canada 2015, what is the maximum building height and area for a police station with detention quarters to be classified as a Group B, Division 2 major occupancy?
24 / 27
Which one of the following is true regarding the continuity of fire separations?
25 / 27
Which type of wood used in construction must be pressure impregnated with fire-retardant chemicals and have a flame-spread rating not more than 25?
26 / 27
27 / 27
According to the National Building Code of Canada 2015, where can the information regarding major components of fire protection be found?
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